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Viking Axe Tshirt

Viking Axe Tshirt

Regular price R$ 146,76 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 146,76 BRL
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With this Viking Axe Tshirt, add a touch of fun and fantaisy in your wardrobe. 

The design is fashion and refers in the same time, to famous Viking's Axe : be proud to wear this modern Viking Axe Tshirt !!!

Viking Axe Tshirt : about Viking's Axes...

The battle axe was one of the most common Viking weapons. It was very successful at cutting through the enemy's armor and inflicting devastating wounds. Axes were a more common Viking weapon than swords because they were cheaper and could also be used for wood cutting. Axes ranged in length from one to five feet and in weight from one to six pounds. A longer heavier axe required the use of two hands, thus making the Viking sacrifice the use of a shield. This of course left him more exposed to the enemy.

  • Material : cotton

How to choose : See the sizes chart in pictures

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